There is an increasing need for employers to offer pre-travel medical care and advice to their travelling employees as more and more corporations send employees to developing areas of the world where the burden of illness differs drastically from that of North America.

A foreign posting medical examination identifies the employee's risk factors for acquiring certain infectious diseases and allows implementation of preventative measures. It also provides the employee with the necessary travel information, immunizations and medical documentation for any visa requirements.
This type of medical service provides reassurance that your employee is medically fit to travel and is educated in the health risks associated with such travel.
Based on decades of experience in this field, CITAHEALTH'S medical staff has carefully designed a cost-effective means for a corporation to provide a preventative approach to the health of their employees.
Our program moves your employee through in an efficient and timely fashion, minimising their time away from work. Our testing is done onsite.
Confidential Reporting
Within 7 days (or when all test results have been received) a confidential personal letter can be sent out to the patient that includes all results from the examination (positive and negative findings) as well as the examining physician's recommendations. This report can be provided digitally - scanned and emailed. A copy can be forwarded to their family physician upon written request.
At the same time, a Medical Evaluation Report is sent to the employer. This outlines the employee's fitness to work or travel to foreign postings.
Medical Consultation
Your employee's clinic visit will include consultation with our physician who will provide the employee with information regarding foreign travel in addition to the following standard screening and laboratory tests:
- Personal Health & Occupational Travel Questionnaire
- Physical Examination
- Haematology panel and automated differential WCC
- Complete blood chemistry including blood lipid profile (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides)
- Complete Urinalysis
- Visual Screening
- Lung function testing
- Resting ECG
Other tests may include:
- HIV(certified copy), Hep B, and VDRL immunity status
- Chest x-ray
- Hepatitis A/B and other vaccinations
- Blood group
- TB testing
- Stress ECG (exercise tolerance test)
* Returning from a foreign posting may require testing for stool culture for Ova & Parasite