Save money with a job specific medical screening protocol.

Call us at 604.647.2236. Let us help you medically pre-screen your new applicants and decrease your risk of hiring unsuitable individuals by having them attend our pre-screening functional assessments.
Hiring individuals to work in physically demanding positions?
We review the Bonifide Occupational Requirements (BFOR) related to "higher risk of injury" occupations of our clients then design and implement job specific functional screening protocols. We leave you with a healthier, more productive, workforce and in turn, decreased WBC, STD and LTD claims saving you money.
Call us at 604-647-2236 for your pre-employment medical testing needs.
Pre-employment medical exams include:
- Physical Examination
- Audiometric Test
- Spirometry (lung function test)
- Vision Test
- Chest X-Ray (PA & Lateral)
- Lab Tests: CBC & Urinalysis
- Liver function tests
- Kidney function tests
- Fasting lipids and glucose